anti-virus virus

Anti-Virus Software Is NOT Virus-Free Device

Anti-virus simply means software designed to detect and destroy computer viruses.

Anti-virus software makes your device virus resistant because it identifies known viruses.

Anti-virus software does not make your device virus proof, because there are always new viruses.

Do you want a solution that is virus resistant or virus proof?

The new viruses coming out are more secretive. They stay hidden and can record EVERY keystroke you make. Correspondingly, EVERY time you type a password or a credit card number, this can be seen and stored.

Some new viruses are just destructive to your device and render it crippled for use. Some viruses have delay timers that make them active well after your device has become infected.

When you subscribe to the latest antivirus service, and even add a firewall to try to protect your device, your device is only virus resistant, your device is not virus proof.

There is a virus proof alternative whereby your device can browse the web and be virus proof? Read on.

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