browsing danger privacy TOR

TOR is Slow and Dangerous for Non-Criminals

Tor is a web browsing software that conceals identities online. TOR does this in three ways.

First, TOR creates a new communications network using the computers of all its then online users.

Second, TOR uses encryption to hide the data traveling within this network of personal computers just like yours.

Third, TOR routes that encoded data in such a way only within the TOR network, so as to hide online identities, including a user’s personal IP address and that of the website visited.

Now, there are six big negatives in using this technology:

First, TOR is incredibly slow, because your data has to pass through all those unknown other users’ computers.

Second, the TOR network is widely known for sharing content that includes child pornography, human and drug trafficking, murder for hire and the like.

Third, other bad guys on TOR like to hide nasty viruses in the content on the Dark Web, and TOR provides no reliable virus protection.

Fourth, other files may be maliciously left on your computer to make your future life miserable.

Fifth, do you want your YOUR BROWSING going through an IP address associated with something illegal! On the flip side, do you want some illegal activity going through your unique IP address?

Sixth, there are inferences that Google may be accessing TOR browsing because the TOR browser is based on a browser which is maintained by foundation funded in part by Google. So perhaps TOR is not all that private.

Clearly, TOR is not a solution for safety and privacy. Read on.

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